I have a confession to make… I love ice and snow. It’s not so much that I love LIVING in ice and snow (been there, done that) but that I find them beautiful to look at and visit.
My love affair with snowcapped mountains really started it all. The still quietness of the snow when it blankets the land… The pristine white against the dark landscape and the crisp blue of a cold sky… The striking beauty in the colors that can only be seen as the light filters through compressed glacial ice.
It’s just stunning.
As you might imagine, this appreciation for the ice and snow has, at times, dictated my own trip plans. Alaska, Iceland, Greenland, Northern Canada I have visited…and loved. Other places I am likewise anxious to explore and topping that list is Antartica.
Antarctica has gotten more popular in recent years. It used to be that those who traveled there did so because they were explorers or scientists. Today, people will go just to check off the 7th continent from their “Where I’ve Been” list. Tourism to this amazing place has certainly come a long way!
Antarctica first hit my list when I was still a teenager. I read a book by one of my favorite authors, Madeleine L’Engle, called “Troubling a Star” which took place largely on a cruise to Antarctica. Madeleine L’Engle inspired not only my reading, but my writing and my travels. I got to meet with her once when I was in my early 20s and, over a classic NYC deli sandwich, she told me how she lived by the motto of “write what you know”. She believed strongly in experience and taught me so much about the difference between knowing and KNOWING. In other words, the difference between intellectual knowledge and experiential knowledge. She loved to travel and would often set her tales in places she had explored herself.
So, now after years of dreaming and planning trips for clients, I’m working on going myself! 2022 is the goal. And we’re considering an expedition cruise.
If you haven’t considered Antarctica, maybe you should!
Let us know if you’d be interested in joining us on this expedition. We’d love the company and it’s always a privilege to travel WITH our clients. Nothing compares to that ability to step in directly when necessary and serve in ways that no one else can…not to mention the experience which, of course, trumps all.